*Note: The subject matter of this video is accurate, however, our UI has changed slightly so some UI elements available in Printavo currently will not be visible in the video e.g. Settings on the Merch Store Overview page.
The Printavo Merch stores overview page provides you with a high-level view of complete and incomplete work
To access the Printavo Merch stores overview page, head to Apps > Merch
From here, you can view the number of active stores, your rolling revenue over the last 30 days, and the number of orders that need to be fulfilled.
You can sort your open stores by:
- Creation date
- Store name
- Total sales
- Total orders
- Store close date
- Store status (live/closed)
You can also view archived stores by clicking the gray Archived Stores link underneath your sorting table.
NEXT: 7.4 Printavo Merch Store Settings
PREVIOUS: 7.2 How To: Create a Printavo Merch Store
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