Set triggers to automate repetitive actions (and save tons of time!) with Printavo's automation suite.
Where to do this: My Account > Automation
Accomplish multiple tasks with a single click.
Printavo's automation suite lets you set triggers and actions to automatically progress jobs through your workflow. Using automation in Printavo allows you to cut small tasks out of your day, ultimately saving yourself hours, days, and even weeks of time over the course of the year!
In this article, we will cover:
- Why you should automate
- Available Triggers and Actions
- Selecting triggers and actions
- Counting automations
- Naming and saving your automation
- Sorting and toggling your automations
- Filtering your automations
- Editing and deleting your automations
- Automation best practices
- Frequently asked questions
Why you should automate
Think of one small task that you do on a day-to-day basis. Maybe that's writing an email to a customer asking for payment. Maybe that's walking across your shop to relay information from department to department. Maybe that's letting your customer know you're waiting on an approval for them.
Now let's say you do that task 10 times per day and it takes 1 minute each time.
Well, 10 minutes per day doesn't sound like a lot of time, but did you realize that if you do something 10 minutes per day for an entire year you've spent a full work week doing just that one thing?!
Printavo's automations will help you get this time back.
For example - instead of:
- Building a quote
- Opening up your email
- Finding the client's contact information
- Writing an email
- Getting distracted by the Internet/a coworker
- Finishing your email
- Sending your email
- Moving on to the next part of your day
You can:
- Build a quote
- Click one button to request approval, request payment, and have the confirmed, paid job head to the next department.
- That’s it!
Available Triggers and Actions
Automation in Printavo occurs when trigger situations set off actions. In other words, "If X happens, do Y." X happening is the trigger that will set off the Y action, so to speak. You can combine any trigger with any action - and even create chain reactions!
Triggers currently available to initiate automated actions are:
- If [A Requested Approval] is approved...
- Note: This trigger allows you to specify if you'd like it to apply to customers on payment terms, customers not on payment terms, or all customers.
- If [A Requested Approval] is declined...
- Note: This trigger allows you to specify if you'd like it to apply to customers on payment terms, customers not on payment terms, or all customers.
- If a quote/invoice is paid in full...
- If status changed to...
- If all tasks in the [Preset Task List] preset task list have been completed...
- If the quote/invoice imprints are added to the Power Scheduler... (Click here to learn more about Power Scheduler)
- If a type of work step status is changed to [Type of Work - Step - Status]... (Click here to learn more about Power Scheduler)
Actions currently available are:
- Send an email and/or text message to [desired recipient(s)].*
- Apply the [Preset Task List] preset task list.
- Request payment for [Percentage of Total]% amount.**†
- Includes option to email and/or text the request to the recipient(s)*
- Request [Approval Type] approval.†
- Includes option to email and/or text the request to the recipient(s)*
- Change status to [desired status].
- Add the quote/invoice imprints to the Power Scheduler.† (Click here to learn more about Power Scheduler)
*Text messaging in Printavo requires a Premium subscription. Learn more about texting in Printavo by clicking here.
**Accepting payment in Printavo requires integration with a payment processor. Learn more about connecting a payment processor in Printavo by clicking here.
†Actions with this symbol do not pair with the "approval declined" trigger.
Counting automations
1 Trigger + 1 Action = 1 Automation
- Premium subscribers have default access to 30 automations.
- Standard subscribers have default access to 15 automations.
- Starter subscribers have default access to 5 automations.
If any subscriber needs more automations, please reach out to your account’s dedicated success manager, or email us at
Selecting triggers and actions
To begin building your automation, simply click on the green "Create Automation" button.
On the next screen, you'll be prompted with two pulldown lists. The top list is your trigger, the bottom list contains your actions.
Select your desired trigger and action from their respective pulldown menus and fill out the relevant information, including if you'd like this automation to apply to customers on terms, customers not on terms, or all customers. Note: If you do not see the checkboxes for terms customers then you will need to set up payment terms under "My Account" > "Invoice Information" > "Payment Terms".
Naming and saving your automation
Once you've selected your trigger and action, you'll want to name your automation in case you need to access and edit it at a later date.
You can name your automation whatever you'd like, so feel free to format this in a way that works for you. Don't like the name you picked? No problem! You can always edit that later.
When you're ready to finish building your automation, simply click the green "Save" button and your automation will be added to your full list of automations.
Sorting and toggling your automations
To sort the order of your automations, simply click and drag the automation bars to relocate them to your desired position.
To turn a specific automation on or off, click the blue toggle switch.
Filtering your automations
To help you easily find automations you've created, we've enacted a filtering system which allows you to sort your automations by action, trigger, and status.
If a trigger or action is grayed out, it means that particular trigger or action is not available on your subscription tier. Reach out to your success manager for questions about upgrading or contact us at
If a status is grayed out, it means that no automations involving that specific status exist.
Editing and deleting your automations
To edit the name, trigger, or action(s) of an automation, click on the blue "Edit" button in line with the automation.
To delete an automation, click on the blue "Delete" button in line with the automation.
Automation best practices
What automations should I make?
Great question! Because you can combine any trigger with any action, thinking of where to begin might feel a little overwhelming. But we’re here to help!
Here are 17 automations, sorted by trigger, that shops use to expedite their workflow, save time, and, really, just make their days easier.
Trigger: If ___ is approved...
- Text and/or email your customer with next steps so you can manage expectations and your customer can feel informed (Set up texting here)
- Apply a pre-assigned task list to delegate responsibilities and ensure all work for this stage of the job is completed (Set up your task lists here)
- Request a down payment to ensure you get paid for the work you’re going to put into the job! (Set up your payment acceptance here)
- Change status to let everyone know the job is progressing (Set up your statuses here)
Trigger: If ___ is declined...
- Text and/or email your customer with next steps so you can manage expectations and your customer can feel informed (Set up texting here)
- Apply a pre-assigned task list to delegate responsibilities and ensure all work for this stage of the job is completed (Set up your task lists here)
- Change status to let everyone know the job is progressing (Set up your statuses here)
Trigger: If a quote/invoice is paid in full...
- Text and/or email your customer with next steps so you can manage expectations and your customer can feel informed (Set up texting here)
- Apply a pre-assigned task list to delegate responsibilities and ensure all work for this stage of the job is completed (Set up your task lists here)
- Change status to let everyone know the job requires changes
Trigger: If status changed to...
- Text and/or email your customer with next steps so you can manage expectations and your customer can feel informed (Set up texting here)
- Apply a pre-assigned task list to delegate responsibilities and ensure all work for this stage of the job is completed (Set up your task lists here)
- Request a down payment to ensure you get paid for the work you’re going to put into the job! (Set up your payment acceptance here)
Trigger: If all tasks in the [Preset Task List] preset task list have been completed...
- Change the status to the next step in the process (which, in turn, can trigger other actions).
- Text and/or email your customer with next steps so you can manage expectations and your customer can feel informed (Set up texting here)
Trigger: If the quote/invoice imprints are added to the Power Scheduler...
- Text and/or email your production manager to inform them that a new job needs to be scheduled and prepped.
- Apply a pre-assigned task list to your production manager to let them know that a new job needs to be scheduled and prepped.
- Change status to show that a new job needs to be scheduled and prepped.
(Click here to learn more about Power Scheduler)
Trigger: If a type of work step status is changed to ____
- Text and/or email your production manager to inform them of an issue.
- Change status to show that the overall job is in production.
(Click here to learn more about Power Scheduler)
Now let’s look at some example automation options you can use in different areas of your workflow. Note that in these examples there is some crossover between work sections as different shops take different actions at different times.
Quote Approval
- Automation: Change the status to "Quote Out for Approval" when we've finished proofreading the quote.
- Trigger: If all tasks in the "Quote Proofread" task list have been completed...
- Action: Change status to "Quote Out for Approval"
- Automation: Activate customer-facing quote approval button, then email and text the customer to request approval when we change the status to “Quote Out for Approval”.
- Trigger: If status changed to “Quote Out for Approval”...
- Action: Request “Quote” approval, send email to [customer-email-address] and send text message to [customer-phone-number] in order to proactively communicate approval request.
- Automation: Change the job status to “Quote Approved” when the customer approves the quote.
- Trigger: If quote is approved...
- Action: Change status to "Quote Approved"
- Automation: Activate the customer-facing payment button to process 100% payment, and email and text the customer for a proactive payment request.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to "Quote Approved"...
- Trigger Option B: If quote is approved...
- Action: Request payment for 100% amount, send email to [customer-email-address] and send text message to [customer-phone-number] in order to proactively communicate payment request.
- Automation: Assign a list of tasks to the art department when the customer approves a quote.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to "Quote Approved"...
- Trigger Option B: If quote is approved...
- Action: Apply the "Create Art and Send for Approval" preset task list
Artwork Approval
- Automation: Change the status to "Artwork Out for Approval" when we've completed all necessary steps in the art department.
- Trigger: If all tasks in the "Artwork To-Do" task list have been completed...
- Action: Change status to "Artwork Out for Approval"
- Automation: Activate customer-facing artwork approval button, then email and text the customer to request approval when we change the status to “Artwork Out for Approval”.
- Trigger: If status changed to "Artwork Out for Approval"...
- Action: Request “Artwork” approval, send email to [customer-email-address] and send text message to [customer-phone-number] in order to proactively communicate approval request.
- Automation: Change the job status to “Artwork Approved” when the customer approves the artwork.
- Trigger: If artwork is approved...
- Action: Change status to "Artwork Approved"
- Automation: Activate the customer-facing payment button to process 100% payment, and email and text the customer for a proactive payment request.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to "Artwork Approved"...
- Trigger Option B: If artwork is approved...
- Action: Request payment for 100% amount, send email to [customer-email-address] and send text message to [customer-phone-number] in order to proactively communicate payment request.
- Automation: Assign a list of tasks to the production when the customer approves artwork.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to “Artwork Approved”...
- Trigger Option B: If artwork is approved...
- Action: Apply the "Order Goods & Prep for Production" preset task list
Quote Declined
- Automation: Change the job status to “Quote Declined” when the customer declines the quote.
- Trigger: If quote is declined...
- Action: Change status to "Quote Declined"
- Automation: Send a task list to the invoice owner when a quote is declined.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to "Quote Declined"...
- Trigger Option B: If quote is declined...
- Action: Apply the "Quote Declined - Connect with Customer/Make Changes" preset task list.
Artwork Declined
- Automation: Change the job status to “Artwork Declined” when the customer declines the artwork.
- Trigger: If artwork is declined...
- Action: Change status to "Artwork Declined"
- Automation: Send a task list to the invoice owner when artwork is declined.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to "Artwork Declined"...
- Trigger Option B: If artwork is declined...
- Action: Apply the "Artwork Declined - Connect with Customer/Art Department" preset task list.
Collecting Payment
- Automation: Activate the customer-facing payment button to process 50% of payment, and email and text the customer for a proactive payment request.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to “Quote Approved”...
- Trigger Option B: If quote is approved…
- Action: Request payment for 50% amount, send email to [customer-email-address] and send text message to [customer-phone-number] in order to proactively communicate payment request.
- Automation: Activate the customer-facing payment button to process 50% of payment, and email and text the customer for a proactive payment request.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to “Artwork Approved”...
- Trigger Option B: If artwork is approved…
- Action: Request payment for 100% amount, send email to [customer-email-address] and send text message to [customer-phone-number] in order to proactively communicate payment request.
Scheduling and Production
- Automation: Assign a list of tasks to the production when the customer approves artwork.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to “Artwork Approved”...
- Trigger Option B: If artwork is approved...
- Action: Apply the “Order Goods & Prep for Production” preset task list
- Automation: Assign a list of tasks to the ordering department if the blanks order is missing pieces.
- Trigger: If status changed to "Order Issue - Missing Pieces"...
- Action: Apply the "Missing Goods" preset task list
- Automation: Add imprints to the Power Scheduler when Quote is Approved.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to “Quote Approved”...
- Trigger Option B: If quote is approved...
- Action: Add the quote/invoice imprints to the Power Scheduler
- Automation: Add imprints to the Power Scheduler when Artwork is Approved.
- Trigger Option A: If status changed to “Artwork Approved”...
- Trigger Option B: If artwork is approved...
- Action: Add the quote/invoice imprints to the Power Scheduler
- Automation: Add imprints to the Power Scheduler when a job is paid in full.
- Trigger: If quote/invoice is paid in full...
- Action: Add the quote/invoice imprints to the Power Scheduler
- Automation: Add imprints to the Power Scheduler when goods have been ordered.
- Trigger: If all tasks in the "Order Goods" preset task list have been completed...
- Action: Add the quote/invoice imprints to the Power Scheduler
- Automation: Inform production manager that a job is ready to be scheduled.
- Trigger Option A: If the quote/invoice imprints are added to the Power Scheduler...
- Trigger Option B: If status is changed to "Ready to Schedule"...
- Action: Send an email and/or text message to Production Manager
- Automation: Change job status to "In Production" when "Screen Printing" has entered "In Progress".
- Trigger: If a type of work step status is changed to "Screen Printing - In Production - In Progress" ...
- Action: Change status to "In Production"
- Automation: Assign a list of tasks to shipping/receiving when a job to be shipped is complete.
- Trigger: If status changed to "Production Complete - Shipping"...
- Action: Apply the "Prep to Ship" preset task list
- Automation: Change the status to "Ready to Ship" when all shipping prep tasks have been completed.
- Trigger: If all tasks in "Prep to Ship" preset task list have been completed...
- Action: Change status to "Ready to Ship"
- Automation: Email and text the customer when the job is ready to be picked up.
- Trigger: If status changed to "Order Ready for Pickup"...
- Action: Send an email and/or text message to [customer-email-address] and/or [customer-phone-number]
Frequently asked questions
Will Printavo be offering more triggers and actions than those currently available?
Yes! Definitely! In fact, we're already working on more to add to the collection! And if you have an idea for an automation you'd like to see, Printavo subscribers can add that to (or search for it and upvote it on) our Ideas Page.
How do I automatically request a down or partial payment from my customer?
Using the automation feature in Printavo, you can set any percentage you would like for your customers to pay upon approving their order.
Where can I set up automated emails to send to customers?
You can set up 'Status Change Notifications' in My Account
- Head to My Account
- Click Status Change Notifications
- Add custom messages to the statuses you desire.
- Click outside of the box to save
Activating 'Status Change Notifications' will trigger a message to be sent to the recipient once an order hits a particular status.
What happened to Status Change Notifications?
Nothing, really! Because Status Change Notifications were automatic communications, we decided to integrate them into our automations. So you'll still be able to notify your customers when statuses have changed, but the functionality for that will now live under My Account > Automation with all of the other automation options. Now all of your automated actions are in one place rather than having to navigate around Printavo.
I've reached my current automation capacity. What can I do?
Great question! Perhaps an upgrade to the next tier of service is the right move, or maybe you just need to add a few more automations to your plan. Reach out to your dedicated Success Manager for best next steps. Not sure who that is? No problem! Email us at and we'll connect you directly to your Success Manager.
NEXT: 5.4 Message Templates
PREVIOUS: 5.2c Zapier (Premium)
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