Job statuses are the colored boxes you see on the Printavo calendar. It’s a simple, visual way to keep track of where jobs are in your workflow. You can create as many statuses as you want. Some shops have 50, some have 100, some have 12. The “correct” number of statuses is the number that works best for your workflow.

Note: The gray "Quote" status at the top of the list is not editable because it is the default status for all newly built quotes in the Printavo system.

Think of statuses as “stopping points.” Some examples: you’re waiting for a department to take action, the customer is waiting on something from you, you’re waiting on something from the customer, you’re waiting on something from your distributor, or a job is done.

Where to edit these: My Account > Customize Invoice Statuses

What are those checkboxes? We'll cover those in our next section: 4.3 Defining "Quote" vs. "Invoice"


NEXT: 4.3 Defining "Quote" vs. "Invoice"

PREVIOUS: 4.1 Setting up Your Workflow

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