In this section

What happens to my information after the trial period?

We will keep all of your data safe if your trial period expires. This includes customers, invoices, payments, and anything else you entered into your account. 

How long is Printavo's trial period

Printavo trials are 7 days. If you need more time you may contact us at

Trials may be extended within reasoning times. 

What can't I use during the Printavo trial?

Printavo trials allow you to test most of Printavo's functionality for 7 days. You can view our pricing page here to see which features belong to which plan.

There are a few items that can not be used during your trial:

  • Merch
  • QuickBooks Online Export
  • Messaging - Messaging does not work by default in trial but can be turned on by request

  • Custom Domain Messaging - Messages can be sent on the trial, but not from your domain.
  • Custom Pricing Catalogs - You can use the general case pricing we receive from our product catalogs. This is usually within 10-15 cents of your pricing.  

Can I access the Printavo iOS app if I am currently on a trial?

You absolutely can! Download the iPhone app here. When logging in, make sure that all of your credentials are entered correctly and that your trial has not expired.

Can I use my account pricing for S&S Activewear during a trial?

During your trial period, we prevent you from utilizing S&S Activewear's custom product pricing for your account. You can utilize our global S&S Activewear catalog on a trial of Printavo though!

Because pulling your specific pricing for S&S Activewear requires storing a significant amount of data, we do limit this feature to subscribers on our Premium plan.

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