Pricing Matrices

In this section

Setting up direct to garment pricing in Printavo

Setting up DTG pricing in Printavo is easy. Depending on how you want to price, you will be able to customize your pricing using our Excel-link pricing matrices. Watch the video below to see a quick demo:


I am using multiple imprints with different markups. How will Printavo generate pricing?

Great question! Let's say you are using two imprints, both with different product markups.

One imprint has a markup of 10%, and the other has a markup of 35%. Printavo will always choose the higher markup and then add print costs.

In this case, the garment would be marked up 35% and the print costs you have for each imprint would be added together.

How to duplicate pricing matrices?

Printavo allows you to duplicate your pricing matrices!

Go to 'My Account' and click 'Pricing Matrices' 

From here, you can choose the pricing matrix you would like to duplicate and click 'Duplicate'. 


Duplicating price matrices will allow you to save time on creating new matrices that may be similar to a previous one, just with different values. 

For example:  Creating a matrix for DTG Dark and duplicating it for DTG Light (Pictured Above)


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