Merch: Shipping/Pickup

In this section

Shipping and Pickup 

Delivery options can be customized in Printavo Merch for customers in their shopping cart. Merch allows for shipping, pickup, and or both options to be used. 


Pickup Options

To set pickup options for customers:

  1. View your Merch store
  2. Click Settings at the top right
  3. Click Delivery Options on the left side
  4. Click + Add Location and enter in the appropriate information
  5. Bonus: Add extra information into "Delivery Instructions" to inform 


Shipping Options

In Printavo Merch, we utilize the weight of a product to accurately calculate the shipping rate for products. When editing a product, you can enter the weight of a product in ounces. 

When a customer purchases the items in their cart, they can select the shipping methods you've enabled and their shipping cost is accurately calculated based on weight and distance. 

To set shipping options for customers:

  1. View your Merch store
  2. Click Settings at the top right
  3. Click Delivery Options on the left side
  4. Slide the shipping option toggle to "On" that you'd like to use

If you do not see shipping options, you will need to setup Shipping in Printavo using EasyPost.


How to Setup Flat Rate Shipping 

1. In the Delivery Methods section of your Merch store, toggle the "Enable Flat Rate Shipping" option and put in the dollar amount you want to offer for flat rate shipping. 

2. It is important to note that you will need to have a carrier also toggled on so the system will be able to generate a label via that carrier when you are ready to ship. The customer will be charged the rate you specified however the label will be created based on the lowest cost shipping option you have available. If you have multiple carriers enabled, it will choose the cheapest of those carriers you have toggled on. 


Free Shipping in Prinatvo Merch 

If you would like to offer free shipping, just enable Flat Rate Shipping on your Merch store and have the dollar amount be $0.00. 

Shipping internationally

We currently do not support international shipping using EasyPost. Any orders that require international shipping will not successfully generate shipping labels. You will have to export your international orders and manually create shipping labels.

Can I change shipping weights after creating labels?

To correct an issue around incorrect shipping weights after creating shipping labels in Printavo Merch, you will perform the following:

  1. Cancel the shipping label(s) in question in EasyPost.

    As per EasyPost: "USPS shipping labels can be refunded if requested within 30 days of generation. The processing time is at least 15 days, after which the funds will return to your EasyPost balance. EasyPost fees will also be refunded. To qualify, a shipment must not have been scanned by the USPS. UPS and FedEx shipping labels may be refunded within 90 days of creation"

  2. Update the weight correctly on the Printavo Merch product. Updating the weight for a product will not update a product that is already in a customer's cart.
  3. Cancel associated orders with the incorrect weight for a customer to make a new purchase
  4. Create labels from the new Printavo Merch order

Why is the shipping carrier I want not showing as an option?

If the carrier you want is not showing as an option is due to a change in carriers in your EasyPost account. If you change carriers after the store is created, the carrier will not show as an option. If you do not wish to use the current carrier, you may set flat rate shipping and have the labels created with the carrier of your choice. 

Can I print shipping labels from a label printer?

The labels are emailed to you when you request them, so when you print them you can just select your label printer and print them from there. 

Can items be shipped to an Army Post Office?

At the moment, items may not be shipped to an Army Post Office through Printavo. You would need to handle this shipping outside of Printavo.

EasyPost Shipping Rates

Shipping rates provided by EasyPost are subject to change based on EasyPost’s data retention policies. This may affect the availability and accuracy of rate data over time. For more details, refer to EasyPost’s Data Retention Policy.


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