In this section

Is there a minimum payment request amount?

There is a $2 minimum payment request amount on all invoices.

How to set payment reminders

You can easily add reminders depending on how many days later you want to remind the customer. Reminders will stop sending once the payment request has been paid for. Here is a great video explaining how you implement reminders:

Can I remove payment requests and payment reminders?

Once you make a new payment request it will replace the old request and any reminders associated with the old request. If you are not needing to communicate with the customer you can send yourself an email.

Will payment reminders still be sent once the invoice is paid?

Once a payment request has been completed, subsequent payment reminders will not be sent to the customer. 

Can my customer pay for multiple invoices with one online payment?

At this time, your customer can only pay one invoice at a time online through Printavo.

If the customer pays outside Printavo, there is a way for you to apply the payment on multiple invoices:

  1. Head to the customer you would like to apply the payment to and click on New Payment
  2. Add a transaction date and category to each payment
  3. Click Submit

Watch this video for a more detailed explanation: 

My customers can't see the pay button, what's wrong?

To request payment, you'll need to:

  1. Head to an invoice you'd like to request payment on
  2. Click Payments > Request Payment and enter an amount
  3. Only then will the Pay Amount button be visible to receive payment from the customer

How can I add multiple email addresses to payment requests?

To add multiple email addresses to a payment request, you may CC someone by clicking on the CC button on the payment request or you may add multiple email addresses into the To field, separated by a comma. It should look like this:



How can I add multiple phone numbers to a payment request?

To add multiple phone numbers to a payment request, enter the phone numbers into the To field separating them with a comma. It should look like this:
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